Parece que está tudo encaminhado para me reduzirem o ordenado. Paciência. Parece que tem mesmo de ser, a falta desses dez por cento não é grande desgraça e resta-me sempre o gozo de ter um trabalho interessante. Há muita gente que tem de aguentar bem pior.
Nem consigo imaginar o que será fazer isto horas a fio, todos os dias, durante anos...
Via BoingBoing
E provavelmente se é o Perspectiva que vai ficar com ele
ResponderEliminarDeve ter tempo para enviar tanta coisa porque está num instituto
E não é uma questão de Perspectiva
Acho que o Jairo é do centro cultural reconquista
Só em subsídios de papel e similares foram uns 100 mil
Ou como diz que fez muito pela sua comunidade
Deve ter uma junta de freguesia
e um cargo de vogal numa empresa
Este gajo é tão chato, que deve ser um dos Boys.
ResponderEliminarA produtividade na China é algo de assustador... :)
ResponderEliminarPedro Ferreira quis dizer...
ResponderEliminarA produtividade em Portugal é algo de assustador
O elevado de lojas chinesas, não nos transforma numa colónia chinesa.
Eu por mim quem me dera ter um desconto de 10% no meu salário. Era um bom indicador de uma boa vida...
ResponderEliminarIs it a 10% reduction in the gross salary or a 10% reduction in the net salary due to higher taxation?
ResponderEliminarIf the former then there will be less taxes to pay for the public services as well, unless all other public servants also have the same reduction. This will be like a 10% inflation. Under normal circumstances you'll devalue the currency and you'll get inflation, as you cannot do this directly, the currency "devaluation" has to be done by other means. In principle the economy should get more competitive, but that will be difficult if people become demotivated. Psychologically, people cope much better with currency devaluations than with salary reductions.
Hydrofluoric, they intend to solve the 10% less of the gross salary with a higher income tax, higher social services tax, higher VAT, higher...
ResponderEliminarYou get the picture.
Barba Rija disse...
ResponderEliminarGanho menos de 2000 euros
deixe lá há 19 anos que nã me proximo disso
ao menos tem direito aos 3,5%
Eu por mim quem me dera ter um desconto de 3,5%
mas no ano passado ficava a 150 de ter esse direito
este ano éstou mais longe
e a minha economia paralela anda em baixo
a agricultura movida a subsídios (200 Euros x....)
só funciona acima dos 100 hectares
nem é preciso semear nem plantar nada
um arquitecto de renome como ocê
e ãssina menos casas que o Engenhêro civile Sokras????
shincera mente seu barbas
28 anos dois filhos e não arranjou uma monárquica para a dinastia
até um primo construtor civil
(salvo seja de alguém conhecido que perdeu uns 100m2)
meteu a filha em arquitectura....não deve ser você o contemplado
não tem um sogro com uma casota de 16 quartos no algarve
e só 7 W.C's (somíticos)
sem torneiras de ouro à la cavaco
Hydrofluoric is good in glass
ResponderEliminare quem tem paredes de glass não atira o Hydrofluoric ao bizinho
como é que um hydro flu rico entendia isto em limie talk
eu nem em portuga os entendo
e nasci cá lhes descontassem 10% nas vidas
inda duravam mais du qua eu
Hugo Monteiro disse...
ResponderEliminarFluorídrico, eles pretendem resolver a menos de 10% do salário bruto com um imposto de renda mais alta, maior o imposto sobre serviços sociais, mais IVA, mais ...
Você começa a foto
Q.E.D. Quantum Satis do google translator
a gramática do gajo
is worse than mine
ou à zézé camarinha
is horse than minet
ResponderEliminarLike Hugo wrote, it's a bit of both. But the most innovative part is the reduction in the gross salary, which I think is meant as a way to tax civil servants without affecting the private sector.
In addition to this, there are also tax raises, but those are the same for everyone (and not as significant, at least for my income, as far as I could tell).
Looks like ideological driven cuts, public sector bad, private sector good. In fact, you'll never get a good private sector with a crap public sector, they are interdependent. A uniform tax rise (e.g. the VAT) will affect disproportionally the poorest.
ResponderEliminarOf course, people should start now thinking on how to get rid of some liabilities to compensate for the loss of income. I'll suggest getting rid of that most ugliest and inefficient human invention: the car. You'll save a lot of money. For city commuting, a bicycle will be much cheaper and healthier. Bicycle is chic.
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderEliminarConheces o documentário “Manufactured Landscapes” do fotógrafo Edward Burtynsky? Não retrata propriamente a escravatura nem a relação singular escravo-tarefa, pelo contrário, mostra-nos a desumanização do trabalho usando o efeito de escala. A “fotogenia” de uma fábrica gigante chinesa ou o estaleiro de obras da Barragem das Três Gargantas torna-se bem eloquente, pelos olhos deste gajo.
«For city commuting, a bicycle will be much cheaper and healthier»
Thats true for plain and christianized cities. In Lisboa, Porto or Coimbra a bike would require olympic skills or a strong wish to be rolled over. But who knows... given the circumstances maybe the elders would be up for it.
I helga blir det båltur, leite etter tørre kvister, never og dandere dette til et skikkelig pølsebål?
ResponderEliminar"a falta desses dez por cento não é grande desgraça"
Não é !? De certeza ?
Desculpa o cinzentismo mas isso nem parece teu!
Não é preciso ser economista para ter uma idéia, mesmo que por baixo, do que vai acontecer. A desigualdade social vai aumentar. Muitas familias endividadas vão deixar de conseguir cumprir as suas responsabilidades. O crédito mal parado vai aumentar. O consumo vai diminuir. As empresas vão baixar a produção. Toda a economia vai retrair. O desemprego vai aumentar. O encaixe previsto pelo governo vai esbater-se com a diminuição do consumo e o aumento de pedidos de ajuda social ao estado.
Alguns dos teus alunos vão passar a ir com fome para as aulas, outros vão desistir do curso por motivos económicos!
Vai ter um impacto grande na tua vida... indirectamente vai !
É dramático mesmo Ludwig!
E penso que o assunto merecia um outro post... sem esta ligeireza!
Trabalhar num matadouro talvez seja pior.
ResponderEliminarSeja como for, acautele-se: como as coisas andam em Portugal (na sociedade e na escola) daqui a algum tempo não haverá muitas coisas piores que ser professor (mesmo numa universidade).
«I'll suggest getting rid of that most ugliest and inefficient human invention: the car.»
ResponderEliminarYeah, that will get the economy going alright! That's the best way for me to go to work in the rain, leave the kids in their school and then pick them up, at night, with the wind blowing in their ears wet with the stormy rain. How joyful that vision of the future is. For goddamned sake.
Paulo Sustelo,
ResponderEliminarEu tenho um rendimento bruto de ~3000€. Com impostos e esse desconto vai ficar praí nos 2000€. Não me considero entre os mais carenciados. E as reduções só começam a afectar quem tem mais do que 1500€ de salário bruto. Não é um grande salário, mas penso que também não são os mais carenciados.
Muito mais grave, a meu ver, são os cortes na acção social escolar, nos serviços de saúde, o aumento do IVA e essas coisas que afectam mesmo os mais carenciados. Isso e a PT vender seis mil milhões de euros em acções e não pagar imposto...
Hydrofluoric e Barba,
ResponderEliminarI don't drive. I took my license about 10 years ago, but never used it much. But we do have a car, and my wife uses it regularly. There are lots of things that are much easier to do if you have a car, especially when you have kids.
However, I think we do save quite a bit of money by having only one car and my taking the bus and subway to work.
Paulo Sustelo,
ResponderEliminarEu tenho um rendimento bruto de ~3000€.
MEU DEUS OS PROFESSORES assistentes já chegaram aos 600 contos
my taking the bus and subway to work.
ResponderEliminar«Conheces o documentário “Manufactured Landscapes” do fotógrafo Edward Burtynsky?»
Não, mas pelo que vi no youtube vou tentar colmatar essa falha assim que puder :)
Obrigado pela dica.
It's easy to speak when you live in a place where there is a subway, Ludwig. So you earn enough to get a 10% discount and you only have one car? Oh my, do I envy your accounting :D
ResponderEliminar"Thats true for plain and christianized cities. In Lisboa, Porto or Coimbra a bike would require olympic skills or a strong wish to be rolled over. "
The problem is not the steep hills, the weather, the kids, the dangerous car drivers, those are just excuses. The problem is the pervasive indoctrination that shifts the values and priorities of people towards an alien (USA) culture. Should there be more critical thinking then they'll easily come up with solutions:
"Hilly cities normally have a low share of cycling. How come that Trondheim, the third largest city of Norway, has the highest share of cycling compared to all the other Norwegian cities? We believe there are three main reasons:
Trondheim is a university city with 30 000 students, 90 % of whom using their bicycles as their main transport tool
During the last 20 years, there has been invested more than 20 mill NOK in a bicycle roads network and bicycle transport infrastructure in Trondheim
One of the most important infrastructure elements is the bicycle lift Trampe. During 15 years of operation, it has pushed more than 220 000 cyclist up the very steep hill Brubakken in the historical heritage part of the city center".
When was this built? About 15 years ago. So why couldn't Lisboa, Porto and specially Coimbra have done something similar? Instead they are clogged with cars.
Ludwig: You seem to be doing quite well already by averaging a usage of 0.5 cars, a 50% reduction.
Barba: You have been massively indoctrinated, the use use of the word "subway", instead of "underground" or "metro", is the give away clue. Good luck in keeping those values in a very different country. Remember, you don't have the military power to plunder resources in other countries.
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderEliminarWell, now they are building many bike paths throughout the city. Maybe things become easier in the future.
ResponderEliminarI also use public transportation, and agree with Hydrofluoric when he claims there is a problem of mentality - everyone asks me, as if I come from Mars - "why the hell don't you own a car?" and they get somewhat dissatisfied with the response -"I work in Lisbon, and I live near the railway station (in Amadora) - public transportation is more than ok for me"
«The problem is not the steep hills, the weather, the kids, the dangerous car drivers, those are just excuses.»
I mostly agree with you on the excuses thing. I call it level of self negotiating with the dishonest-you in order to proceed with immune stupidity. But I also know Trondheim, been cycling there for almost a month, and can't find a match with our portuguese major towns. Despite the weather (you can freeze just by staring at a traffic light, September is enough) orography and urban architecture are quite welcoming in Trondheim when compared to Príncipe Real, Clérigos or Norton de Matos. And this isn't just an excuse, I guess :)
EDITED: “staring at” instead of “starring to” (wtf??) ... sorry.
«The problem is not the steep hills, the weather, the kids, the dangerous car drivers, those are just excuses.»
ResponderEliminarYeah right. Come over here to Sintra, with the curved, tiny roads filled with racing buses and teach me how to drive my two kids to their school in my back, and then travel the hilled 15 kms and back every day, and then "perhaps" you'll have some point. Until then you show little to zero sensibility to my issues here.
«Barba: You have been massively indoctrinated, the use use of the word "subway", instead of "underground" or "metro", is the give away clue.»
What the fuck is this shit? Do you even understand the concept of "second language"? That phenomena where you have portuguese or french or italian people talking a language which isn't their own? If I chose "subway" is not because I chose a "diminishing" term, for I didn't even know it was "diminishing". I used it because it is the relevant word and the substitutes you used confirm this.
Moreover, it was Ludwig who first used the word so, your last line about indoctrination is silly and arrogant. Learn good manners when you start talking to a new audience, else you just sound like a snob troll.
a snob troll, trolls are not snobish people, dear young pater familia of two small cubs,
ResponderEliminarif o gajada é mesmo norge, deve ser do ramo petroquímico, gente rude e mal educada como tutti norsk frutti
é a falta de sol e o pobre implemento de melanina
que os fazem suicidar-se como tordos
veja lá o thorensson inorgânico nem consegue hablar uma lingua de gêto
são coisas inexitentes num s'amofine
Have you made a comprehensive study about the taxonomy of the types of trolls, banda? I'm sure you haven't, since the existence of [i]snobis trollis maximus[/i] is well defined and accepted throughout the community.
ResponderEliminarThe nickname mr HF uses is, as he would put it, "the give away clue" that this is, in fact, the case.
Goddamit. Do I hate bbcode...
ResponderEliminarBarba, you should have answered HF in Portuguese. That certainly would avoid all these misunderstandings ;-)
ResponderEliminarBruce: Ingen trenger å be om unnskyldning, håper du likte Trondheim. No need to apologize, you might as well have starred at a traffic light, though I'll expect a knowledgeable person like you to have chosen a better scenery. Yes, when it is cold (< -10 C) we need to keep moving, a good way to warm up, specially if going uphill . This is a photograph of Trondheim , not particularly flat,is it? But I agree that cycling uphill at a 63 deg latitude is much less sweaty than at about 40 deg.
ResponderEliminarBarba: I'm afraid that you, by failing to realize that "subway" is a chiefly American term (everywhere else it is called "underground", "metro", " U-Bahn", "tube", etc), seem to have reached an irreversible level of indoctrination. Of course you blame Ludwig but more likely you've sub-consciously picked it up by watching all those war glorifying Hollywood movies or American TV series. That's probably where you've also learnt all those expletives ("fuck", "shit", "troll" ), you see when the USA goes on to invade, plunder and destroy all those countries they need to prepare their (and UK) troops with the adequate language skills, which include all those expletives [1].
[1] Warning: This video contains material that viewers may find disturbing
Vasco: I live in a place where most people could probably afford to buy a top of the range Mercedes Benz every year, but instead they rather buy a bicycle or a 2nd hand car. Sometimes I have to travel to your country and am baffled to see so many flashy cars, Mercedes, Audis, Porches, etc. Then I realized that Germany is the main contributor for the EU funds that pour into Portugal so they somewhat convinced the Portuguese to buy their cars so that their money returns to Germany. Aren't clever these Germans? They even managed to come to Portugal and write excellent blogs in Portuguese.
Nem consigo imaginar o que será fazer isto horas a fio, todos os dias, durante anos...o gajo consegue
ResponderEliminarso they somewhat convinced the Portuguese to buy their Cod so that their money returns to Norway. Aren't clever these Norge's?
They even managed to come (fucking Portugal) and write excellent dung.
repete metro faoi thalamh é um linguista de merde
Du virkelig limitadito norge, ou pseudo Thorenson, tretti eller så år, tjue tusen kroner av uorganiske stipend
Kjøling rente avhenger kollisjon rate Mellom støvkorn og gass molekyler....
os alemães ocuparam Trondheim durante uns tempos é capaz de ser um híbrido
Υπόγεια μετρό υπόγειο
o G700 não anda debaixo de terra seu barba
«håper du likte Trondheim»
ResponderEliminarI really did, actually.
«though I'll expect a knowledgeable person like you to have chosen a better scenery»
Nope. Be sure that my reason to travel is a prolonged unfulfilled desire to stare at traffic lights out there ;)
I'm sure the traffic lights will be delighted you stare at them, their aim in life will be almost fulfilled ;-)