Tem havido muita discussão sobre de que “lado” virá este vídeo. Pessoalmente, acho sofisticado demais para ser um vídeo criacionista e, como sátira, está muito bem feito.
Mais discussão no Pharyngula e no RichardDawkins.net.
Aqui está o torrent de uma versão com mais qualidade que a do YouTube (270 Mb).
E a letra, transcrita por vários comentadores no Pharyngula, para cantarmos todos:
«My name is D to the I to C to the K, Yeah I'm the Dickie D,
I gots my PhD and comin' your way on the Youtube to bust your world view so just listen to me and don't you argue.
You see, this battle's been ragin' since Zeus was on the bottle, 'tween Science like Democritus and Faith like Aristotle,
who said the mover was unmovin' like some magic trick but
that's no good logic, my posse is far too quick for this
religious schtick.
Coz science is the only way to know y'all, you stand with me y'all, or you can fall y'all
So go ahead and take your pick...
ES: Yeah you tell him Rick ...
Darwin: Coz if you don't know me ...
Chorus: Yeah he's the Dick to the Dawk to the PhD,
he's smarter than you he's got a science degree!
Yeah he's the Dick to the Dawk to the PhD,
he's smarter than you he's got a science degree!
SH: On the shoulders of midgets we built up this machine,
RD: Science silenced that watchdog wingnut Paley
growing stronger and harder almost daily, storming Wilber by force as we framed the discourse that faith and science are split in schismatic divorce.
Then Darwin took to the seas to see what no one had seen, and ever since then we've been increasingly keen, they may never adore us, but they'll no longer ignore us,
give it to 'em PZ hit these *BLEEP* with the chorus!!!
Chorus : Yeah he's the Dick to the Dawk to the PhD,
he's smarter than you he's got a science degree!
The Dick to the Dawk to the PhD,
he's still smarter than you he studied biology!
Then there was Darrow dukin' it out with the straight and the narrow,
a ragin' bull in the ring, he did his thing, and took it on the chin like he was Bobby De Niro.
We might have lost at Scopes, beaten down by the dopes, and the stooges of popes, but in losin' we coped, becomin' more than we hoped, creationists slipped on the soap of their own slippery slope.
What was impossible, improbable, is now wholly unstoppable untoppleable, the Dick Dawk'll roll up as you creationists foldup
you haters talkin' bull,
don't you know that this Dick is un-*BLEEP*-frickin' blockable ...
Chorus: Yeah he's the Dick to the Dawk to the phd,
he's smarter than you he's got a science degree!
The Dick to the Dawk to the phd,
he's still smarter than you he studied biology!
Now the machine of our making, sees culture ripe for the taking,
Coz I'm the rappinest, rabidest atheist who unlike the Catholic, Muslim, or even the Jew, believes that no God but science could ever be true, hell if I was dyslexic I'd even hate "dog" too.
Time to open your eyes, get yourself wise, the age of sciences'll rise to be religion's demise,
and while you churchies all cry, shouting 'why God oh why,'I'll still be poppin' my collar earning more dollars than Allah.
Chorus: Yeah he's the Dick to the Dawk to the phd,
he's smarter than you he's got a science degree!
The Dick to the Dawk to the phd,
he's still smarter than you he studied biology!
Chorus: Yeah he's the Dick to the Dawk to the phd,
he's smarter than you he's got a science degree!
The Dick to the Dawk to the phd,
he's still smarter than you he studied biology!
[repeat chorus]»
Well, as an animal lover this video inspires me to warn the anglo-saxonic world: beware of dyslexic skeptics!
ResponderEliminarKarin :)
On the subject of videos:
Obrigado pela letra...
ResponderEliminarTinha já um comentário sobre este vídeo no http://conjurado.blogspot.com/ mas faltava-me a letra.
No fundo no fundo está com muita piada.
Excelentes sátiras são as do Edward Current. Não posso deixar de aconselhar algumas:
ResponderEliminara) A mais recente, bem a propósito desta questão criacionista:
b) Esta, bastante pipista:
c) Esta, sobre o Inferno:
d) E mais uma sobre criacionismo:
Há muitas mais, tão engraçadas como estas, mas depois de verem estas 4, duvido que resistam a espreitar mais umas tantas.
Muito bons esses videos.
ResponderEliminarDois vídeos que devem agradar-te: